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India being a developing nation is currently facing many challenges and the "Reservation system" being one of them. Reservation is hot topic today.

no reservation


Quota system favouring certain castes had survived in India for many years.Before and after Britishers invaded India upper class enjoyed aided privileges. The caste system assigned jobs to castes by birth.They were not allowed to change their jobs.The first official instance was in 1902 in Kolhapur were 50% reservation was provided in services for backward classes. After Independence the main objective was to provide increased opportunities ,and enhance social and economical status of underprivileged class known as Scheduled Castes(SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and other Backward Castes (OBC). Dr. BR Ambedkar at that time demanded 10 year of reservation system.

One big step was taken in 1978 when the Mandal commission was established to know the situation of under privileged castes. The Supreme Court of India ruled in 1992 that reservation could not exceed 50% ,anything above this would violate equal access as guaranteed by the constitution.


Today's reservation system gives roughly 15% of the seats for SC, 8% to STs and 27% to OBC and the minority can occupy the left 50% of general category.

Many people of lower caste have stepped up and are now on equal position as general on the other hand many upper castes are still suffering from poverty and illiteracy. However caste-based reservation cannot be said irrelevent. Even today ,the lower class is exploited and discriminated , Rohit Vemula case is an evident of discrimination.


Current reservation system also create social disharmony which delay the social and economic development of a country. The Jats agitation in Haryana resulted in several deaths and loss of public property. In India demanding reservation is becoming trend. One community after another is demanding reservation. The only definite solution would be to not have caste as the basis for reservation. Now a days Patels in Gujarat are asking for reservation.


In India there is great need to review the status of the backward castes .

whlie reviewing we should keep in mind these questions

Are the economically backward classes the same set as the socially backward classes yet?

How the reservation system helped minorities in our country?

One thing is clear the reservation system based on caste should be rebuild in India.



Reservation on the basis of caste and not on the basis of condition is unacceptable.If not solved, the crisis may evolve and many more riots can be seen.Government has to initiate some action but the political parties are supporting them for vote bank.It has became a tool for political parties to win election.

Thus we don't need reservation based on the caste or religion ,actually those aids should be provided to those who have minimal resources on the basis of economic conditions irrespective of their castes.The economical backward castes requires fund, opportunities,and Infrastructure.Let us make them strong enough to walk and run on their own feet.


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